We try our best to celebrate the liturgy and devotions of the Church with reverence, beauty, and dignity, and we also strive to be a stewardship community. All of us, whether registered parishioners, frequent guests, and visitors, are asked to contribute of our time, talent, and treasure to support the many ministries offered here at St. John the Evangelist. Giving of ourselves to the mission of the Gospel is a real and concrete part of our discipleship to Christ. Part of this means supporting our church community with your treasure. When we pass the basket during the liturgy, it is a symbolic action that speaks of our total dedication to God and offering ourselves as a living sacrifice. I realize that these days many people struggle because of the soaring inflation, growing prices of pretty much everything, and the uncertainty of their future. But in all this God is always blessing us and we know that the more we give, the more we receive.
Summer months have traditionally been a challenge for us since Sunday mass attendance during this time is always down, which translates to the smaller amount of money, we are able collect. Yet our expanses remain the same. So, I would like to encourage you to pray about, and to reconsider your weekly or monthly contribution with the idea of raising your donation to the parish. I invite all parishioners to give generously of your financial resources in proportion to what you have receive. We give out of gratitude to God and the more the parish receives, the more we can do for the building up of God's Kingdom, the more we can help the poor, the more programs we can run, and the better care we can take of our facilities. The big part of this request has to do with keeping up with the maintenance costs on a large campus with many buildings. Along with this is the need to do preventative maintenance throughout our property so we do not have very costly breakdowns.
The very reason why we donate to the church is rooted in our acknowledgement of the blessings of an all loving and all giving God. Just realizing that these gifts of ours - life, good health, time, people, and countless material blessings do not just appear out of thin air - makes us grateful that we have such a providing God. When we stay focused on the gifts we have received, we know we are blessed, we feel good and well, which moves us to want to share, to give away.
I ask that you use the envelope system or the Give Central online giving program to make your weekly donations. Through Give Central you can make all your contributions to St. John the Evangelist via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card - just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments. This is a great way to simplify your giving - and it is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly way for us to receive your gifts.
The parish staff and I are extremely appreciative of everyone’s past generosity to our parish. I thank you in advance for your support, understanding, and kindness. Please remember that we are most grateful for those who donate to the parish and to our school in any way possible. Please continue to keep Saint John the Evangelist Parish and School in your prayers.