Every parish family needs a Lenten Mission. The renewal and a spiritual “booster shot in the arm” from this type of event invigorates even the best of communities. A Parish Mission might be described as "a retreat that comes to you." To make a retreat, one must leave home and daily routine to give some space and time for silence, prayer, and reflection. Most people are not able to do that because of their busy lives. A Parish Mission is a great opportunity for renewal and growth in our faith that is available at the local parish and can be easily fit into the demands of daily life. Part of the appeal of a Parish Mission is that it is preached by someone coming into the parish just for that purpose. Not only is the preacher a "new voice," but it is someone who has a particularly deep knowledge and experience of the spiritual life.
Save the date and join us for Lenten Mission!!! We will begin our Mission this year on Sunday, March 10th at all masses, and then continue on Monday and Tuesday, March 11th and 12th at 7:00 pm. Fr. Timothy Tarnacki from the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA will lead our Mission.