In conjunction with St. John the Evangelist Respect Life Ministry, the Knights and Ladies Auxiliary invite the parish to stand up for life this month. The annual March for Life will take place January 19th in Washington, D.C.. While we won't be there in person, we can be there spiritually.
Life is a gift from God. Each human person is created by God out of love and in his own image, endowed with an immortal soul. Because of this, each person has an inherent dignity and each life is sacred.
We recognize these truths in principle, and yet so much of our culture does not. Abortion, assisted suicide, and euthanasia devalue lives that are deemed inconvenient, unwanted, or burdensome.
"This culture of death requires and demands of us a spiritual response," said Sister Maris Stella of the Sisters of Life. "It requires and needs men who will stand up for life, men who will stand up for the weak, the poor, the vulnerable, the elderly, the handicapped - and the begins within their own families."
Join thousands of Catholics a nationwide in the annual Respect Life novena 9 Days for Life, Tuesday January 16 - Wednesday, January 24. Get daily intentions, brief reflections, and more by email or text message. Sign up at!
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