From the bottom of my heart let me say Thank You to everyone who helped make our Parish Picnic last weekend a big success. God was so good to us and blessed us with fantastic weather, so we could enjoy a great day of fun and friendship. I want to offer a most sincere thank you to our Pastoral Parish Council members under the direction of Gino Martinez for their excellent planning and executing of the Picnic, working with the parish staff and different ministries, getting food and entertainment, setting up and cleaning after the picnic.
My huge appreciation goes out to all our youth who volunteered to oversee the children’s games and activities. Thank you to all children, teens and adults who shared their talents on the main stage with us. Big thank you must go to all our individual and business sponsors for their financial support which meant everything toward our great success! Because of your immense support and generous donations, we could enjoy plenty of hot dogs, chips, ice cream, sweets and beverages, delicious Polish, Filipino and Mexican food. May God reward your generosity.
And let me not forget to say Thank You to all of you who came and enjoyed a great family day with your fellow parishioners and friends. Thank you for your time, presence and prayers. Without each and every one of you, our picnic would not be the success it was.