This Sunday the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is the greatest, most fundamental, and central mystery of our Catholic faith. Our God is a communion of three divine persons united in love - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God created us and loves us as our Father. God is also the Son who came into our world to share his life with us and to redeem us. And God is the Holy Spirit who gives us new life as children of God and causes the Trinity to dwell in our hearts.
Ever since we learned how to pray, we all begin and end our prayers by making the sign of the Cross over ourselves. When we make that sign, we are expressing our faith in the Holy Trinity. We touch our head, and we say: “In the name of the Father” - because He is the first person of the Trinity and our Creator. Then we touch our hearts, and we say: “and of the Son” - this reminds us that God the Son proceeds from the Father and came down from heaven to the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Then we touch our shoulders, moving from left to right as we say: “and of the Holy Spirit” - we do this because God the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, and in His love, the Spirit fills us, with the life of God.
Every human person is created in the image of God. That means that every one of us is created in the image of the Most Holy Trinity, in the image of God who is Love, and that we are made to share in the life of the Blessed Trinity. We are made to live a divine life in this world. The mystery of the Trinity means that we have access to God all the time. No matter where we are, or what we are doing, God is always with us. We can talk to God as our loving Father. We can walk with Jesus as our brother. We can live by the light and the gifts of the Spirit of love.
Celebrating Trinity Sunday only a week after Pentecost, allows the Church to further reflect on the mystery of God. This helps us see the connection that if we truly want to understand the Holy Trinity, we need to receive and make use of the gift of the Holy Spirit. On our own we can never fully understand who God is, that is why, we need His guidance and inspiration.
Let us pray then for the grace to deepen our awareness of the Blessed Trinity’s loving presence within our souls. And let us pray for the help of our Blessed Mother. She was the first person in whom the Trinity came to dwell when the Father asked her to become the Mother of his Son by the power of their Holy Spirit. Let us ask Mary to help us grow in our devotion to the Blessed Trinity each day of our lives.