This month, I will be taking over for Mary Alice Benoit as the Parish's Operations Director. The primary role of this position is to be an assistant to the Pastor, a strategic leader entrusted with management of the financial, physical, and personnel resources of the parish.
Accepting this position was not an easy decision. My wife and I discussed it at great lenght and I spent much time in prayer asking for the Lord's guidance. Just like my journey to the Diaconate, I discerned that I was being presented with an opportunity to serve the Lord, His people, and His church. My concerns and hesitation was just that..mine, not His.
As I begin this new role, adding it to all my other tasks in life, I humbly ask for your patience and prayers for both me and my family as we adapt to the change, and I learn the new role.
I would like to take a moment to thank Mary Alice for all the work she has done for our Parish. It would be impossible for me to take on this role without her support and ongoing mentorship. She has volunteered to transistion to the Finance Council and to continue to make herself available to assist with the transition.
Lastly, I must thank the parishioners, parish staff, teachers, Principal Wennerstrom, Father Brendan and of course, Father Gregg, for their support and encouragement. Everyone has been so very welcoming and kind.
I look forward to serving the Church in this new capacity and being a faithful steward of the resources God allows us to provide.
Deacon Tim Davidson
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will Make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6